Future of Work through the Intrapreneurial Lens (Unfold Workshop)
Unfold has delivered a cross industry workshop with leaders and managers on understanding what it takes to build an intrapreneurial culture and retain the next gen
The Future of Work.
The workshop was attended by 60 participants from the industry and academia. It featured academics, start-up founders and veteran CEOs. Some of the questions that were discussed:
- What is going to have people get motivated and inspired to be in their highest contribution?
- What are the work models of the future?
- What transformative competencies do organizations need to nurture that will engage and retain intrapreneurial talent?
Focus of the workshop was to look at the impact of the changing work landscape, expectations from the next generation, new models of work and structures, influence of start-up ecosystem on internal organizational culture, and defining, identifying, rewarding and retaining intrepreneurs.